Herbituss Syrup 120ml- Uses, Side Effects, and Price

When the weather turns cold and flu season arrives, the search for effective remedies to alleviate the discomfort of a sore throat, persistent cough, and congestion begins. Herbituss Syrup 120ml is a herbal remedy formulated to provide relief from;

  • coughs
  • colds, and
  • throat irritation

It is a proprietary blend of natural ingredients known for their;

  • soothing and
  • healing properties

Unlike some over-the-counter cough syrups, Herbituss is free from artificial additives and harmful chemicals, making it a safe choice for people of all ages.

The Key Ingredients

Herbituss Syrup contains a combination of well-researched herbal ingredients, including;

  • honey
  • ginger
  • tulsi (holy basil), and
  • licorice

These ingredients work synergistically to provide relief from cough and cold symptoms. Honey soothes the throat, ginger has anti-inflammatory properties, tulsi boosts the immune system, and licorice calms irritation.

How Does Herbituss Syrup Work?

The synergy of these ingredients makes Herbituss Syrup highly effective in treating cough and cold symptoms. Honey and ginger provide instant relief from throat irritation, while tulsi and licorice work to reduce;

  • inflammation
  • clear mucus, and
  • boost the body’s natural defense mechanisms

This combination helps to alleviate coughing, soothe the throat, and promote faster recovery.

Herbituss Syrup – Uses

Let’s expand on the health benefits of Herbituss Syrup in more detail:

>> Immune System Support

Herbituss Syrup stands out as a formidable immune system supporter. Its remarkable ability to bolster the body’s defense mechanisms against illnesses makes it a go-to solution for those looking to fortify their immune system.

This is primarily attributed to its key ingredients, elderberry and echinacea.

> Elderberry: Elderberry has been known for improving the immune system. Flavonoids and antioxidants rich, which helps to battle the harmful pathogens in the body. Herbituss Syrup’s elderberry extract has demonstrated an increase in cytokine production, essential for a powerful immune response.

> Echinacea: Another essential ingredient of Herbituss Syrup is Echinacea, which has been widely researched for its immune-enhancing properties. It enhances the body’s immune cells, making them stronger in fighting infections. The regular use of echinacea helps to lower the risk of falling sick, more especially during flu and cold seasons.

>> Respiratory Health

Herbituss Syrup excels in promoting respiratory health. Whether you’re grappling with;

  • a persistent cough or
  • a nagging cold

this syrup can offer much-needed relief.

Here’s how:

  • Relief from Congestion: The natural ingredients in Herbituss Syrup work in harmony to alleviate congestion in the respiratory tract. This not only eases breathing but also provides comfort to those experiencing nasal stuffiness and chest congestion.
  • Soothing Irritated Throats: Herbituss Syrup contains soothing properties that help ease the irritation and discomfort associated with a sore throat. It forms a protective layer over the irritated throat lining, reducing pain and making it easier to swallow.

>> Anti-Inflammatory Properties

Many health issues are often inflammation-based, including chronic diseases. Herbituss Syrup contains natural anti-inflammatory substances that work great in reducing inflammation in most parts of the body.

Here’s how it accomplishes this:

> Ginger: Herbituss Syrup incorporates ginger as one of its constituents, the latter of which is famous for its anti-inflammatory effects.

It comprises bioactive compounds that inhibit inflammatory pathways. Ginger may be ingested frequently to reduce the incidence of chronic inflammation that causes heart disease and arthritis.

> Echinacea: Apart from boosting the immunity, echinacea also has anti-inflammatory properties. It may also help with the inflammation that results from respiratory infections and other illnesses.

>> Antioxidant Rich

Antioxidants are like the body’s defense force against free radicals, which are unstable molecules that can damage cells and lead to various health problems.

Herbituss Syrup is abundant in antioxidants, making it an excellent choice for overall health:

> Elderberry: Elderberries are packed with antioxidants, including flavonoids, which help neutralize free radicals in the body. This antioxidative activity contributes to reducing oxidative stress and may lower the risk of chronic diseases.

> Honey: Honey, another ingredient in Herbituss Syrup, is known for its antioxidant content. It not only provides sweetness but also offers a range of antioxidants that can combat oxidative damage and support overall health.

Herbituss Syrup – Side Effects

Now we’ll explore Herbituss Syrup and the possible side effects associated with its use.

>> Nausea

One of the most common side effects associated with Herbituss Syrup is nausea. Some users may experience a feeling of queasiness shortly after taking the syrup. This sensation is usually mild and temporary.

>> Vomiting

In some cases, individuals may experience vomiting as a side effect. If you vomit shortly after taking Herbituss Syrup, it’s crucial to consult a healthcare professional and consider alternative remedies.

>> Dizziness

Dizziness is another possible side effect. Some users may feel lightheaded or unsteady after taking the syrup. It’s advisable not to operate heavy machinery or drive if you experience dizziness.

>> Dry Mouth

Dry mouth can occur when taking Herbituss Syrup. This side effect is usually manageable by increasing your water intake or using lozenges to alleviate the discomfort.

Less Common Side Effects

>> Allergic Reactions

While less common, some individuals may experience allergic reactions to Herbituss Syrup. Symptoms may include hives, itching, swelling, or difficulty breathing. If any of these signs occur, seek immediate medical attention.

>> Diarrhea

Occasionally, users may experience diarrhea as a side effect. If this persists or becomes severe, discontinue the use of the syrup and consult a healthcare provider.

>> Headaches

Headaches can be an uncommon side effect of Herbituss Syrup. Over-the-counter pain relievers can often alleviate this symptom.

Herbituss Syrup – Price

Rs. 140

Buy Now


Is Herbituss Syrup suitable for children?

Yes, Herbituss Syrup is generally safe for children when administered according to the recommended dosage. However, it’s essential to consult a pediatrician for specific guidance.

Can I take Herbituss Syrup with other medications?

If you are currently taking prescription medications, it’s wise to consult your healthcare provider before using Herbituss Syrup to avoid potential interactions.

How long does it take to experience the benefits of Herbituss Syrup?

The onset of benefits may vary from person to person. Some individuals may experience relief shortly after taking the syrup, while others may require a few days of consistent use.

Are there any dietary restrictions when using Herbituss Syrup?

No specific dietary restrictions are associated with Herbituss Syrup. However, maintaining a balanced diet can enhance its effectiveness.

Are there any contraindications for Herbituss Syrup?

Herbituss Syrup is generally safe for most individuals. Still, if you are pregnant, nursing, or have underlying medical conditions, it’s advisable to seek medical advice before using it.

Can Herbituss Syrup be used as a preventive measure against illnesses?

While Herbituss Syrup may support overall health, it should not be solely relied upon as a preventive measure. A healthy lifestyle, including proper nutrition and regular exercise, is essential for overall well-being.


The information provided on quickdawa.com regarding medicine prices and side effects is solely based on data collected from public domains. I am not a doctor or medical professional. While I strive to provide accurate and up-to-date information, I cannot guarantee the absolute accuracy or completeness of the data. It is always recommended to consult with a qualified healthcare professional or doctor for personalized medical advice and information. The content on this blog should not be considered a substitute for professional medical guidance. The readers are advised to use the information provided at their own discretion and risk. I do not assume any responsibility for any consequences arising from the use of the information on this blog.

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